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Compressed IMG1.3.2download
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Compressed IMG2.2.1download

How can i see what is my current Software Patch?

In the Olive GUI dashboard in the device status group box you can see your current firmware version.

Flashing a New Image with Etcher Software


Etcher is a free and open-source utility used to write image files such as .iso and .img files, as well as zipped folders onto storage media to create live SD cards and USB flash drives. It's widely used to flash OS images for Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and many other applications. Etcher is developed by balena, and it's available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.


  • An image file you want to flash, typically with a .iso or .img extension. (unzip the firmware file if it is compressed)
  • A USB drive or SD card with enough storage to accommodate the image file. (32 Gb or more)
  • A computer with Etcher installed.

Step-by-Step Guide to Flashing an Image with Etcher

Step 1: Download and Install Etcher

  • Navigate to Etcher's official download page.
  • Choose the version of Etcher that corresponds to your operating system (Windows/macOS/Linux).
  • Download the installer and run it. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Etcher on your system.

Step 2: Prepare Your USB Drive or SD Card

  • Insert the USB drive or SD card into your computer.
  • Ensure that there is no important data on the drive, as the flashing process will erase everything on it.

Step 3: Open Etcher and Select Image

  • Open Etcher on your computer.
  • Click on the “Flash from file” button.
  • Navigate to the location where your image file is stored, select it, and click “Open” (or an equivalent, depending on your OS).

Step 4: Select Target

  • Click on the “Select target” button.
  • Choose your USB drive or SD card from the list. Be very careful to select the correct drive, as all data on the drive will be erased.
  • Click “Connect” (or equivalent).

Step 5: Flash the Image

  • Click on the “Flash!” button.
  • Etcher will format the drive and write the image file to the USB drive or SD card. This process may take some time, depending on the size of the image file and the speed of the drive.
  • Once the flashing process is complete, Etcher will validate the write to ensure it was successful.

Step 6: Eject Safely

  • Once the flashing process is complete and validated, you can close Etcher.
  • Eject the USB drive or SD card safely from your computer.

Step 7: Use the Flashed Drive

  • You can now use the USB drive or SD card to boot a computer or power a device (such as a Raspberry Pi) depending on the image you flashed.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • If Etcher fails to flash the image, try using a different USB port or card reader.
  • Ensure that the image file is not corrupted. You might re-download the file or check its integrity if possible.
  • Make sure your USB drive or SD card has enough space for the image file.
  • If you experience persistent issues, consult the Etcher's GitHub repository or community forums for assistance.